

01 October 2024

Sochi is an all-year-round tourist destination with a great variety of activities and places of interest, located in the very south of Russia, on the northeast coast of the Black Sea, a 3.5-hour flight from Moscow.


17 April 2024

The long-awaited event for residents and guests of the city - the beginning of navigation in St. Petersburg! This year navigation will start on the 27th of April. It means that from the 27th of April it will be possible to enjoy excursions along the rivers and canals of the city again.



1.1. Mir Travel Company  Limited Liability Company, represented by its General Director Valery Fridman, hereinafter referred to as the Seller, publishes the Public Offer for the sale of goods according to the samples posted on the Seller's official website

1.2. According to Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (CC RF), this document is a public offer, therefore in the event that the conditions set forth below are accepted, the natural person accepting this offer shall pay for the Seller's Goods pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. According to Article 438, clause 3 of the CC RF, the payment for the Goods made by the Buyer is an acceptance of the offer, which is considered equivalent to the conclusion of the Agreement on the conditions stipulated by the offer.

1.3. Based on the aforesaid, we ask you to read the text of the public offer carefully, and in case you do not agree with any clause of the offer, you are requested to refuse purchase the Goods or use the Services provided by the Seller.

1.4. The following terms have the following meanings in this offer, unless otherwise provided by the context:

1.5. Offer means the Seller's public offer addressed to any natural person (citizen) for conclusion a Sales Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) based on the existing terms and conditions stipulated by the Agreement, including all the annexes hereto.

1.6. Buyer means a natural person entered into the Agreement with the Seller on terms and conditions stipulated by the Agreement.

1.7. Acceptance means full and unconditional adoption by the Buyer of the terms of the Agreement.

1.8. Goods mean a product assortment list posted on the official website, namely curtain photos, pillow photos, bedcover photos and their accessories.

1.9. Product characteristics means a property of the specific assortment name posted on the official website, such as dimensions, fabric type or number of components (cloths) of one set.

1.10. Order means the specific items of the Goods assortment list specified by the Buyer when drawing up an application by means of website or the Operator.

1.11. Delivery means the Order delivery services.


2.1. The Seller disposes the Goods in accordance with the current price list posted on the Seller's website /, and the Buyer makes payment and accepts the Goods in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

2.2. This Agreement and all the annexes hereto are the Seller’s official documents and the integral part of the offer.


3.1. The orders for the Goods are made by the Buyer by means of website

3.2. When placing an Order by means of the Seller's website, the Buyer undertakes to provide its personal registration information as follows:

3.2.1. Full Name;

3.2.2. Actual delivery address;

3.2.3. E-Mail;

3.2.4. Contact telephone number.

3.3. When placing an Order by means of the Operator, the Buyer undertakes to provide the information specified by clause 3.2 of the Agreement. By entering the relevant data into the registration form on the website or when placing an Order by means of the Operator, the Buyer accepts the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The Buyer has the right to edit its personal registration information. The Operator has no right to change or edit the Buyer’s personal registration information unless the consent was obtained from the latter. The Seller undertakes not to disclose the Buyer's data indicated during the registration on the website when placing an Order to any person not involved in the Order execution. Having approved the Order of the chosen Goods, the Buyer shall provide the Operator with the necessary information in accordance with the procedure specified by clause 3.2 of the present Agreement.

3.4. The Seller and the Operator assume no responsibility for the content and authenticity of the information provided by the Buyer when placing an Order.

3.5. The Buyer is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided when placing an Order.

3.6. Payment by the Buyer for the Order independently placed by means of the website deems the Buyer's consent to the terms of this Agreement. The day of payment for the Order shall be the date of conclusion the Sales Agreement between the Seller and the Buyer.

3.7. All the information materials posted on the website / are given for reference only and cannot fully provide the reliable information about certain properties and characteristics of the Goods. Should the Buyer have any questions regarding the properties and characteristics of the Goods it must consult the Operator before placing the Order.


4.1. The term for the Order performance depends on the availability of the ordered items of the Goods at the Seller's warehouse and the time required for the Order processing. The Order execution term in exceptional cases can be agreed with the Buyer individually, depending on the characteristics and quantity of the ordered Goods. In case of absence of part of the Order at the Seller’s warehouse, including for the reasons beyond the Seller’s control, the Seller has the right to cancel the specified Goods from the Buyer's Order. The Seller undertakes to notify the Buyer about change in completeness of its Order through the Operator.

4.2. The Order is deemed to be delivered at the moment of its transferring to the Buyer. By signing the certificate of warranty, the Buyer confirms the Order execution.

4.3. The Seller assumes no responsibility for improper execution of the Order in case of provision the unreliable contact information by the Buyer.


5.1. Payment for the Order is made by transferring funds by the Buyer through the electronic funds transfer. Confirmation of payment for the executed Order deemed funds writing-off from the Buyer's electronic account or a fiscal receipt in case the Order is paid in cash. Therewith, the Buyer can check the payment performance by visiting its Personal Account on the website

5.2. The prices for any items of the Goods posted on the website can be changed by the Seller unilaterally without notification the Buyer.

5.3. In case of changing the price for the ordered items of the Goods, the Operator is obliged to inform the Buyer about such change as soon as possible. The Buyer has the right to confirm or cancel the Order. In case of absence the communication with the Buyer, the Order is considered canceled within 14 calendar days from the moment of ordering.

5.4. Conditions for orders with delivery included are indicated on the website in the Delivery section.

5.5. The price of Goods with personal characteristics ordered through the Operator via E-Mail or by telephone is calculated on a case by case basis for each Order, depending on the Goods characteristics provided by the Buyer.

5.6. Funds are accepted in the following way: by electronic funds transfer.


6.1. The Seller's obligation to supply the Goods with delivery included shall be deemed to be fulfilled from the moment the Buyer signs the shipping documents.

6.2. Ownership of the Goods, as well as the risks of accidental damage and/or loss of the Goods, are transferred to the Buyer from the moment of the actual transfer of the Goods and signing the shipping documents upon the Goods delivery to the Buyer.

6.3. The cost and conditions of delivery are posted on the company’s website

6.4. In the event the Seller delivers the Goods of inadequate quality, the Buyer undertakes to return the Goods as soon as possible to the Seller's office at Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg city, Nevsky pr., 11 for the quality inspection of the Goods.


7.1. According to Article 26.1, clause 4 of the Russian Law No. 2300-I On the Consumers Rights Protection, the Buyer has the right to refuse the ordered Goods at any time until the Order execution.

7.2. The Buyer has the right to return the Goods in the following cases:

7.2.1. In the event the Seller delivers the Goods of inadequate quality (the Buyer undertakes to return the Goods as soon as possible to the Seller's office for the quality inspection of the Goods).

7.2.2. In the event of making a mistaken transfer through the payment systems.

7.3. In order to return money mistakenly credited to the Seller's settlement account through the payment systems, the Buyer shall appeal to the Support Service with a written application attaching a copy of the passport and checks/receipts confirming the mistaken crediting. This application should be sent at the following address: Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg city, Nevsky pr., 11. If you have any questions, please contact the Support Service in any convenient way: tel. +7 (812)4552595, E-Mail: Upon receiving a written application attaching a copy of the passport and checks/receipts, the Representative shall return funds to the settlement account of the Buyer indicated by the latter in its application within 10 (ten) business days. In this case, the Seller has the right to withhold part of the transferred amount to compensate for actually incurred expenses. In order to return funds to the bank card, the Buyer shall fill in the Application for Return of Funds, which is sent on demand by the Company to the Buyer's E-Mail address, and forward it along with a copy of the passport at the following address: Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg city, Nevsky pr., 11. Refund will be made to the Buyer's bank account specified in the application within 10 (ten) business days from the date of receipt the Application for Return of Funds by the Company. The period for consideration the Application and the return of funds to the Buyer starts from the moment of receipt the Application by the Seller and is calculated in business days without taking into account holidays and days off. If the Application is received by the Seller after 6:00 p.m. of the working day or on a holiday or day off, the next business day is considered the moment of receipt the Application by the Seller.

7.4. The Buyer has no right to refuse the paid Goods (or their part) of the proper quality, having individually determined properties.

7.5. The Goods ordered by means of the Operator, via E-Mail or by telephone, indicating the individual properties of the Goods, such as size or number of the cloths in the set, are considered as Goods sold per square meter and are not subject to be exchanged in accordance with the List of non-food products of the proper quality not subject to be returned or exchanged for similar goods of other size, form, dimensions, design, color or set. This List was approved by the Russian Governmental Decree No. 55 as of January 19, 1998.

7.6. The Goods ordered by means of website /, with standard characteristics of the Goods specified in the Order of the Buyer, are subject to be exchanged, provided that the specified Goods were not in use, as well as their marketable state, consumer properties, seals and factory labels are presented. Moreover, there should also be a purchase receipt, register receipt or another document confirming the payment for the specified Goods.

7.7. The Goods are not subject to be exchanged or returned in the case of changes of any properties and characteristics of the Goods, including with keeping of their marketable state, seals and factory labels, made by the Buyer independently or with involvement of the third parties.

7.8. The exchange and return of the Goods ordered through the website is executed within 30 (thirty) days from the moment of actual receipt of the Goods by the Buyer. This term includes sending a handwritten Application for exchange or return of the Goods attaching a copy of the Buyer's passport and the Goods purchased by means of website https: //, in accordance with the Buyer's Order.


8.1. All the text information and graphic images posted on the website are the property of the Seller and/or the Manufacturers of the Goods.


9.1. The Seller is not responsible for the improper use of the Goods ordered by means of website or the Operator by the Buyer.

9.2. The Seller has the right to transfer its rights and obligations for the Order execution to the third parties.

9.3 The Seller has the right to record the telephone conversations with the Buyer. According to Article 16, clause 4 of the Federal Law On Information, Information Technology and Information Protection, the Seller undertakes to prevent any attempts for unauthorized access to information and/or transfer the information to any person not involved in the Order execution, as well as timely detect and restrain such facts. Telephone conversations are recorded for the purpose of controlling the Operator's activities and the quality of the Order execution.

9.4. Ownership of the Order together with the risks of its accidental damage or loss are transferred to the Buyer from the moment of the money transferring to the delivery service officer or signing the shipping documents by the Buyer.

9.5. The Buyer has the right to send any complaints about improper execution of the Order to the E-Mail address specified on the website in the Contacts section or present a claim by sending message to the administration in the Ask a Question section. All incoming information is processed as soon as possible.

The Seller details:

Mir Travel Company

Legal address: Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg city, Nevsky pr., 11

Location address: Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg city, Nevsky pr., 11

Tax Identification Number 7838048010

Tax Registration Reason Code 783801001

Primary State Registration Number 1167847054891

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