22 January 2025
A visit to the new exhibition Futurione at VDNKh in Moscow will be a journey into the world of digital art and modern technologies. The exhibition is conveniently located on the territory of the well-known VDNKh.
19 December 2024
Team of MIR Travel Company wishes you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2025! Thank you for working with us! We hope 2025 will be a year full of growth, health and dream fulfilment for all of us!
23 January 2025
The 8th ceremony of awarding the laureates of the National Restaurant Award WHERETOEAT Saint-Petersburg by Evian & Badoit took place at the Astoria Hotel. In Saint-Petersburg, the main characters of the restaurant community were awarded. The Birch restaurant, which won in 2018 and 2019, this time lost the championship to the Harvest restaurant and took second place. The third line was taken by the Bourgeois Bohemians.
As a result, the top 10 WHERETOEAT Saint-Petersburg looks like this:
1. Harvest
2. Birch
3. Bourgeois Bohemians
4. Probka
5. Il Lago dei Cigni
6. Jerome
7. Cococo Bistro
8. Mr. Bo
9. Commons
10. Sad (Garden)
One hundred specialists (restaurateurs, hoteliers, chefs, sommeliers, bartenders) from the Northern capital took part in compiling the rating. Hezret-Arslan Berdiev, from the Birch became the winner in the most prestigious individual nomination Chef of the Year. For the first time Anton Belochkin from Bourgeois Bohemians restaurant became the Sommelier of the Year. A press vote led Birch to the Media Choice award. And the traditional Les Clefs d'Or Concierge Association Prize went to the Harvest restaurant team. Imbibe won the Best Bar nomination, ahead of all competitors, including one of the best bars in the world, El Copitas. The winner in the Sustainable Restaurant nomination, presented by Nespresso, was the Harvest restaurant. The award from Technoflot company - The most technological restaurant, was received by the Diamond Club at the Gazprom Arena stadium. And, finally, Chaliapin restaurant was awarded for contribution to the development of restaurant culture.