15 June 2020

While Russia is only about to take a decision on when its international borders will be opened the 3 Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) are already re-starting the tourist season but ONLY for the residents of the European Union and European Economic Zone countries. The list of the countries is being updated on weekly basis depending on epidemiological situation and actual possibilities to travel.

You all know our Two Capitals: Moscow and St Petersburg regular tour which we usually combine with the Baltic Capitals regular tour. As Russia is still remains closed for the foreign passengers we are glad to offer the re-start of the regular departures in the Baltic Countries as from July 3rd. The 3 Baltic Countries are currently some of the least effected countries in Europe. However, as the covid-19 crisis requires additional regulations and precautions all the operations will be according to the recommendations from the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), which also takes into account the guidelines from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).