23 July 2020
Moscow: The Head of the Ministry of Health of Russia said that 23-24% of residents of Moscow and the Moscow region already have antibodies to coronavirus infection COVID-19.
22 January 2025
A visit to the new exhibition Futurione at VDNKh in Moscow will be a journey into the world of digital art and modern technologies. The exhibition is conveniently located on the territory of the well-known VDNKh.
19 December 2024
Team of MIR Travel Company wishes you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2025! Thank you for working with us! We hope 2025 will be a year full of growth, health and dream fulfilment for all of us!
23 July 2020
Moscow: The Head of the Ministry of Health of Russia said that 23-24% of residents of Moscow and the Moscow region already have antibodies to coronavirus infection COVID-19.
20 July 2020
Every last weekend of July, Russia celebrates the Navy Day. Traditionally, the celebration starts with the formation of the personnel of the ships and the raising of the St. Andrew's flag - the main sign of the Russian Navy.
16 July 2020
The Executive Director of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia said that eight countries, popular holiday destinations, are ready to welcome again guests from Russia.
13 July 2020
A simplified regime of entry to the Russian Federation since 2021 will be available for almost half the people living in the world according to the Consular Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry. Citizens of 53 countries, including member states of the European Union, China, Japan, India, Turkey and others, will be able to apply for a Russian e-visa.
09 July 2020
Experts in the field of Russian travel industry announced that the opening of borders was recently discussed with the consuls of the countries, members of the European Union.
06 July 2020
Russian Federal Air Transport Agency announces that coronavirus-related international flight restrictions have been extended again...
03 July 2020
The new UEFA EURO 2021 schedule has been confirmed. The tournament will now run from 11 June to 11 July, 2021.
30 June 2020
Regular Departure Tours 2021 are now available for booking! We are pleased to present you our Regular Departure Tours catalogue 2021.
15 June 2020
While Russia is only about to take a decision on when its international borders will be opened the 3 Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania)...
12 June 2020
On 12th June the Russian Federation celebrates the Day of Russia - a national holiday. On this significant day in 1990, the Declaration on the State Sovereignty of Russia was adopted.